Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog. 2

I just recently read an article on Texas lawmaker seeks to reverse Planned Parenthood Ban .I just don't understand why Texas wants to banned Planned Parenthood. While the Planned Parenthood help care for women who are low income. As we must know Texas has a high percent rate or teen pregnancy. Since we aren't teaching our children about abstinent. They got to find a way to protect themselves from being pregnant and from STDs. Planned Parenthood provide all sort of health care for women all over the US not only just Texas. Other states don’t seem to have any problems with it, why is Texas making a huge problem and wanted to ban the organization? I'm sure men in Texas in needs of similar health care like us women too; they just don't want to admit it. Overall I think we Texan should support the non-profit Planned Parenthood instead of against it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Hi everyone my name is Linh Phan, I'm 23 years old. I'm taking this class due to my transfer requirement, in another words yes its Texas State law that we need to take this class in order to graduate. I got a Post Modern on my political ideology online quiz, seems about right. I got 5/13 on my current events (badly). On the civic quiz I got to be called a "Plebeian" or just average Joe. What I'm hoping to get out of this class is that understanding how Texas law works, because I know Texas have some unusual and strange laws. So I would like to learn how they come up with that law and why. So that I can have a better understanding the state I'm living in and working for.