Monday, November 4, 2013

Should or Shouldn't Texas Past the Voter ID's Bills? (blog. #5)

Courting to the article of D's turn noses up Ogdens 2 millions voter ID education. ,if the voter ID Bill passes then it will cost Texas 2 million dollars. If the voter ID bills do pass it will be more advantage to both sides of the parties. They would have a fair election.  Even though 2 million dollars isn’t a small amount of money for the state to invest in just to past the bill, but I think it would be worthwhile for the state in the long run. The state had spent some what endless amount of money to invest in something that isn’t worth it in the past. Why don’t we invest in this bill, so that everyone can have a fair election?

There should be some exceptions for senior citizens. We understand that some senior citizen don’t have an ID or have the time to get another one. I’m sure you need some form of ID if you are at a nursing home so that the worker can identified who you say you are. If you need to go to a bank to withdraw some money, the bank requires some form of ID. Or in order to get your social security benefits you need a form of ID in order to get those benefits every month. Same thing with getting your medication, the pharmacist need to verify who you say you are in order to give you the correct drug that you need.

So I think there shouldn’t be excuses of you not be able to get some form of ID. If you want your voice to be heard and you strongly believe in voting, then there shouldn’t be an excuse for you to not get some form of ID. We probably heard on the news that some of the voting registration addresses turn up to be a ghost address, meaning some of the addresses aren’t realistic. Or one of the party might paid those voters with ghost address to vote for them. When they know they shouldn’t bribe citizens to vote for them in that sort of way. It wouldn’t be fair for the other party, regardless who is better than whom.

I strongly support voter Id bill pass, like I say above. If you really want your voice to be heard or strongly believe in your rights then you should get some form of ID for your sake and support your candidate because you want your candidate to have a fair square election. I understand that you might be moving different places within a year. As long as you have the most recent some sort of photo ID on you then you should be fine. If you feel strongly about voting and want your voice to be heard then should you get yourself some form of ID.

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